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13.02.2011 16:25 - Златни залежи за 1.6 млрд. долара край Крумовград?
Автор: mavericos Категория: Новини   
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Златни залежи за 1.6 млрд. долара край Крумовград?

Крумовград е на път да се превърне в българския Клондайк, след като правителството даде на фирмата „Болкан минерал енд майнинг" правото на 30-годишна концесия за добив на злато. Компанията ще извлича скъпоценния метал от 6 участъка, обединени в златодобивно находище „Хан Крум", съобщава БНТ.

Доказаните залежи само в един от участъците - Ада тепе, възлизат на повече от 835 000 тройунции. При сегашните цени на златото това се равнява на над 1.6 млрд. долара.

За злато край Крумовград се говори отдавна. Тук и малките рекички са златоносни, дори каменните огради на селските къщи са от руда, съдържаща злато. Запазени са много антични галерии, откъдето древните траки са добивали ценния метал.

Фирмата, получила правото на концесия, проучва района от 2002 година. За изследване на най-богатото от шестте находища - Ада тепе, тя е вложила над 4 милиона долара. Доказаните в него залежи са над 27 тона.


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Bad credit loans with an instant decision are free from hectic and time-consuming formalities like there is no credit check, less paper work and no faxing involved, which turns the approval of these loans faster by the lender. As a result, a required loan amount will get credited in your account directly in less time. It's a great relief for bad credit holders. Good credit people can also have it. There is no such restriction on kind of borrower. It is same for all. Amount can be given back to lender in small installments. Commonly it is suggested that repayment should be done in fewer installments because a high interest rate belongs to this finance scheme. It is a type of short term option and is given for duration of 15-30 days. After that repayment has to be done. The amount given to borrower is not o huge. So paying back will be easy. You can always count on Cash advance direct when you need urgent cash. This is available to you on the same day you apply for this. This is because the formalities attached with these loans are fewer than ever before. You can easily apply for these loans in few minutes and the money will be transferred to your account without any hassle. The lender will not ask you to fax any papers or to mail any documents for the loan. , <a href=http://jeogaliloan.work-for-good.com/blog/>instant approval payday loans</a> , payday loans online no credit check no employment verification payday loans no fax payday loans for people with bad credit payday loans no fax in one hour easy fast payday loan , -Life's little disasters can be solved in the short-term (for example, auto repairs, overdrafts, and illness). Holiday Loans - Swift Cash For Your Enjoyment Are you strapped for cash? Need to get a loan now? One of the fastest and easiest ways to get a loan now is to apply for a payday loan. A payday loan, also known as a loan till payday is probably the route you should take. Getting a loan from a bank or other loan companies may be very involved and take a longer time to complete. If you need the money today though, and you cannot wait, this is a short term fix. o An active checking account is another requisite and the paycheck of the borrower must be direct deposited into it.

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Consumers have millions of options available at the touch of a button. When it comes to payday loans, the multiple choices can leave your head spinning. So how do you make the right choice? Take the following information into account when searching for a payday lender that works for you. For the hassle free approval, individual required to fulfill several eligibility criterions which are as follows: o being employed with the same company for at least three months, -Car repair , <a href=http://www.larpspace.com/jeogalloan/>payday loans guaranteed approval</a> , There will be many advantages of these quick loan options compared to the traditional loans as you will be able to avail of the loan really fast and this option also has to be paid off quickly that doesn't leave it pending in your list to do. With the option of this quick avail and pay off loan there will be no worries of paying it off as the loan sums that you can get from these options are not too large and are easily payable in a short time. Another fantastic advantage of these instant doorstep loans is that these loans are given to most people and not much of a credit history is assessed that makes it really incredible for all people who need it. The convenience makes a good lure when it comes to getting these types of loans and you will be expected to pay them back on your next payday. That is why they are named as such. These can be a real problem solver when used correctly, however you need to be careful and check these issuing agencies out before you agree to a loan. Read the fine print! That fine print can come back and bite you in the fanny. When you are looking for a loan of this sort, remember that this is a temporary loan. Payday Loans No Credit Check - No Credit Check For Quick Money Till Payday , <a href=http://jeogalias.renspace.com/blog/>payday loans instant approval</a>

Anyone who fulfills the above mentioned criteria can apply for these loans and then have instant cash without any kind of hassle. Personal loans for poor credit options can prove to be fruitful to you if you select the company carefully. Selecting any company without reading its terms and conditions can put you under such difficult situation that is beyond your imagination. So you must avoid that. The loan amount obtained by the borrowers can be employed for personal uses like paying electric bills, paying education fees, buying things for home, spending for medical attention and many more. Overall, if cash advance loans are used in the way that they are intended to be, as a short term "cover" to tie loose ends then they are certainly a product that is very useful and beneficial. It is only when the products are abused or used in an incorrect manner that they will start to cause problems. This can be said about any financial product and should not be solely the fault of cash advance loans. It is certainly safe to use them, just be sure that you use them properly. , <a href=http://members.enchantedfolk.com/>instant approval payday loans</a> , Payday loan means instant cash that can help you in a financial emergency situation, but for many people, getting a payday loan will also means of getting an instant debt because they have not enough money to payoff the payday loan at the due date. Most of time they will only pay an extension fee to extend their due date for another couple of weeks. The cycle usually continues until they have paid more than 2 or 3 times the amount of the original loan. There are borrowers even get another payday loan to pay off existing payday loans and the cycle continue until the debt snowballs up to a bigger debt which is hard to be pay off. Don't let this happen to you, if you have touched the loan, get rid of it as fast as possible. Until recently there was a time when borrowers did not take a loan very seriously. Testimony to this fact is the thousands and thousands of citizens who are deeply in debt and have very poor credit records. Due to financial hardship many people have come to the realization that it is important to understand how to manage your finances. This understanding includes the lending industry. You must understand what is expected of you before you actually take out a personal cash loan. However, if #3 describes you, think again before borrowing money. After all, if you do not make enough money to make ends meet now and yet have no plan to make more money (or reduce your other expenses) in the near future, it makes little sense to take out an emergency cash loan now: how would you pay it back? , <a href=http://jeogaliloan.work-for-good.com/blog/>payday direct lenders</a>

It is fairly mandatory (90% of the time) to have proof of some sort of income. This can be a gray area but some lenders will have to see that you have been gainfully employed for a period of time. This usually is 1 to 6 months but if you have proof of other incomes, this may also be sufficient. These can be SS disability, child support, alimony, or your self employment documents. Online PayDay Loans Several factors should be considered when you're shopping for the loan option that is best for you. The amount of money you need and how quickly you need it should be your first considerations. You should also compare different lenders, their loan rates, and their terms before making your decision. Keep in mind, when you use an honest, reliable payday loan company with a secure website, your personal information is as safe as it is with a traditional loan company. , <a href=http://www.buncospace.com/jeogaleloan/>instant approval payday loans</a> , Borrowing money really does not have to be so intimidating. When the bills mount up and problems loom, it's time to consider a payday advance. These short term loans are taken direct from a lender who will expect to be repaid within a few weeks time. Direct "cash till payday" loans offer benefits that banks do not. With such a short time period, interest costs can be kept low. Paperwork is also kept to a minimum. There is no delay in approval because a credit report is not necessary. Many direct cash advance companies offer a lower interest rate than one might expect. Debit card payday loans are often the only method of solving their short term financial needs in times of crisis. This is especially so if you have a poor credit history that has previously prevented you from getting credit. With a low credit score it can be difficult or almost impossible to get a high street cash loan or even expect to get credit in many of the high street stores. This is the case with any establishment that requires you to be credit checked, payday loan companies are one of the few types of business that do not require credit checks to be performed in order to determine your credit worthiness. , <a href=http://www.chatalaska.com/jeogalaloan/>instant approval payday loans</a>
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